This week on The Mommy Labor Nurse Podcast we’re going to talk all about birthing without an epidural, and answer a question I get all the time – “How do I have a natural birth?” And while there is no secret formula…I definitely have some insight into what you can do to set yourself up for success.
Because did you know that an estimated 71% of births in the US use an epidural? And some hospitals cite stats of over 90% of births involving epidural use!
Yet, other polls and surveys of pregnant women across the US show that over 80% of mamas hope to birth without an epidural. So what gives?!
Now let me be the first to say that there is NOTHING wrong with epidurals – or C-sections for that matter. Both are incredible labor interventions, and I see women have amazing, positive birth experiences that involve epidurals and C-sections all the time. But in today’s episode, I hope to help you learn about the benefits of birthing without an epidural, and learn what you can do to have a natural birth if that’s what you want to do!