I am so excited for this week’s episode because I have a longtime friend coming on to the podcast to talk about her birth experiences, as well as share her expertise on how to approach tough decisions in pregnancy (and life!). Natalie Bacon is a professionally certified life coach, and helps moms do inner work to […]

I am so excited for this week’s episode because I have a longtime friend coming on to the podcast to talk about her birth experiences, as well as share her expertise on how to approach tough decisions in pregnancy (and life!).

Natalie Bacon is a professionally certified life coach, and helps moms do inner work to overcome daily challenges and live a more purpose driven life.

Natalie was on the podcast about 2 years ago (episode 106) to talk about mindset tips for pregnancy and birth. It’s actually one of the most popular episodes on The Mommy Labor Nurse Podcast – definitely check it out if you haven’t done so already!

A peek at the questions we cover:

  • Tell me about your pregnancy and birth with your first son
  • How was your mindset regarding the outcome of your delivery?
  • As you approached your due date with your second, tell me some of the things that were going through your head regarding whether to VBAC or have another C-section?
  • How can other moms find clarity in making tough decisions in pregnancy?
  • How does mindset impact the experience of childbirth?
  • How was your experience with a VBAC in comparison to your C-section?
  • What are your recommendations in regards to childbirth and mindset?
  • Why is self-trust so crucial for decision-making?
  • How to utilize positive self-talk and self-care as a new mother?

Want to erase anxiety and actually feel excited about birth?

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And be sure to follow @mommy.labornurse on Instagram to join our community of over half a million for education, tips, and solidarity on all things pregnancy, birth, and postpartum!

About Natalie Bacon

Natalie Bacon is a wife, boy mom, and professionally certified life coach for moms. Natalie is the host of a five-star rated podcast, Design Your Dream Life, and is on a mission to help over 10,000 moms overcome challenges and live better lives.

When she’s not coaching, Natalie can be found in the Western Suburbs of Chicago with her husband, sons, and two dogs enjoying family life. 

Liesel Teen, RN-BSN

Liesel Teen

BSN, RN, Practicing Labor and Delivery Nurse

As a labor and delivery nurse, I’ve spent countless hours with women who felt anxious — even fearful — about giving birth. I want you to know it doesn’t have to be that way for you!

Are you ready to have an even better birth?

Everything in your hospital’s childbirth class – plus so. much. more. Get the knowledge and tools necessary for a positive birth experience – no matter how you deliver!

Natural Birth Class

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Start here if birthing without an epidural is your goal!

Epidural Birth Class

Let go of fear and feel fully prepared for (and unafraid of!) your epidural birth.

Start here if you know you want that epidural – or you’re not sure what your birth goals are!

C-Section Birth Class

Release anxiety and gain a sense of control for your C-section birth.

Start here if you have a planned C-section on the horizon. You deserve birth education too!