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In this episode, we discuss Haley’s positive induction birth story, chat about prodromal labor, epidurals, the choice to bottle feed and mental health. We also dive into what a virtual doula is and how important it is to advocate for yourself! Tune in for some awesome birth motivation and empowerment. Haley’s Bio: Haley is […]
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Liesel Teen
As a labor and delivery nurse, I’ve spent countless hours with women who felt anxious — even fearful — about giving birth. I want you to know it doesn’t have to be that way for you!
Everything in your hospital’s childbirth class – plus so. much. more. Get the knowledge and tools necessary for a positive birth experience – no matter how you deliver!
Eliminate the what-ifs and feel strong and ready for your unmedicated birth.
Start here if birthing without an epidural is your goal!
Let go of fear and feel fully prepared for (and unafraid of!) your epidural birth.
Start here if you know you want that epidural – or you’re not sure what your birth goals are!
Release anxiety and gain a sense of control for your C-section birth.
Start here if you have a planned C-section on the horizon. You deserve birth education too!