This week on The Mommy Labor Nurse Podcast I had my sister, Jenna, come on the show to help me do an “ask me anything about labor and delivery” episode! I haven’t done an episode like this in a while, and it was very fun to bring it back! These questions came straight from the […]

This week on The Mommy Labor Nurse Podcast I had my sister, Jenna, come on the show to help me do an “ask me anything about labor and delivery” episode! I haven’t done an episode like this in a while, and it was very fun to bring it back!

These questions came straight from the MLN community – and when you listen you’ll hear me talk about inductions, the big baby myth, epidural side effects, partner tips, and more!

Follow @mommy.labornurse on Instagram to join our community of over 650k for education, tips, and solidarity on all things pregnancy, birth, and postpartum!

Here are the questions I answer inside the episode:

  1. At my 36 + 1 week ultrasound last week my baby was measuring 8 pounds 5 ounces. OB is concerned (obviously, that’s already so big!). I’m so confused/nervous if I should be induced at 39 weeks, have a scheduled C-section, just go to term and try a vaginal delivery, etc. Just not sure my best option with such a big baby
  2. I’m a mama of 6, all uncomplicated, quick vaginal deliveries. #7 is on the way and this is my first time with gestational diabetes. I do not do well with the unknown. What can I expect for me and baby after giving birth? My OB says I will most likely have a scheduled C-section because of baby’s size, what’s to expect with having a C-section?
  3. I’m scared giving birth will hurt but why do people make it seem like getting an epidural is a bad thing? Are there side effects for me or the baby if I do? What’s the downside?
  4. Tips for helping blood pressure regulate if it drops after an epidural?
  5. I’ve heard that inductions are harder on the body both during labor and recovery. Is that accurate? Can you share some information about inductions?
  6. Doctor says baby will have to have heart surgery within the first day or two of birth and will go straight to NICU. How do I mentally prepare for this immediate separation and surgery so early in life?
  7. I’ve always gotten the epidural and pushed by extending my stomach out and bearing down. Now that I know about deep core breathing (and plan to go natural) and diastisis recti, I’m wondering if it’s better to breathe and push with deep core breaths and squeezing the abdomen in instead of out?
  8. Do you have any resources for the support person during labor and delivery? My mom is going to be there with me and just want to gather some resources for her to refer to on how she can support me during labor
  9. Can you help explain the different pain relief methods?  I.e. standard epidural vs. walking epidural, counter pressure, pudendal block?
  10. My doctor wants to use a balloon to dilate my cervix. What is this exactly? Sounds painful

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Liesel Teen, RN-BSN

Liesel Teen

BSN, RN, Practicing Labor and Delivery Nurse

As a labor and delivery nurse, I’ve spent countless hours with women who felt anxious — even fearful — about giving birth. I want you to know it doesn’t have to be that way for you!

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