This week your baby is just over 4.5 inches in length and weighs about 3.5 ounces, put on a whole ounce since last week!
Baby makes some pretty significant developmental strides throughout the second trimester. The days of resembling a little tadpole are long gone!
Each and every day baby is beginning to resemble that sweet little bundle of love that you will meet on delivery day. All of baby’s vital organs are continuing to grow and mature so they will be ready to function once they are living life on the outside!
If you have had adequate prenatal care from the beginning of your pregnancy, you should have had a first trimester ultrasound. If you opted to have the Nuchal Translucency screening done to assess for potential chromosomal anomalies, that should have been done between weeks 11 and 14. It is a time sensitive screening and is not something that is or should be done after week 14.
You can expect to have a second trimester ultrasound, commonly known as the anatomy scan, but it is done between weeks 18 and 21.
Between weeks 16 and 18, you may be offered a test for something called Alpha Fetal Protein (AFP). This test helps screen for neural tube defects such as spina bifida. If your screen is positive, your OB provider will refer you to a high risk specialist or Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor for more testing.
No stress if you don’t have an ultrasound scheduled this week. The second trimester ultrasound, also known as anatomy scan, typically takes place between weeks 18 and 21.