Baby is roughly one whole pound this week, congratulations mama! Coming in at just over 11 inches, baby’s length didn’t increase too much from last week, but there’s still plenty of time for growth.
Baby now has eyebrows, eyelashes, lips, fingernails, and toenails! Looking more and more like that sweet bundle you will meet in about 18 weeks.
Even though baby’s eyelids remain fused shut, they can perceive light and dark – how wild! You can actually test this by shining a flashlight on your belly and seeing if your little one moves.
Their ears are beginning to process sounds from inside your body such as your heartbeat, breathing, and digestion.
By 22 weeks, there is a good chance you have felt your baby move – pretty amazing, right? Don’t expect movements to be regular or consistent just yet (although it might be for some!), but you have likely experienced some flutters or even kicks at this point.
Those first fetal movements are actually called quickening. Some women describe it feeling like little bubbles, gas pains, popcorn popping, a fish fluttering around.
It can be hard (especially for FTMs) to distinguish gas bubbles and normal digestion from quickening. Depending on the location of your placenta and how active your baby is though, you might be feeling full blown kicks and punches by now.
If you aren’t feeling movement just yet, or aren’t feeling big movements, don’t stress. There is a good chance you have an anterior placenta, meaning your placenta implanted on the front side of your uterus, blocking a lot of the movements.