This week baby is weighing right around 3.3 pounds this week and measuring just over 16 inches, somewhere between 16 inches – 16.4 inches.
Your little one’s brain is working extra hard this week. It’s amazing to think that your baby’s brain is already tracking light, processing information, and perceiving signals from the five senses. Over the next several weeks, baby’s brain will triple in weight.
The largest part of the brain, the cerebrum is developing deep grooves to allow for more surface area. The cerebrum is in charge of regulating temperature and coordinating movement.
The majority of baby’s bones are in the process of hardening but the bones in their skull will remain soft and flexible until after birth to make it easier for baby to pass through the birth canal.
These soft spots on the skull, called fontanelles, will close at different times after birth. They should all be closed by 18 -24 months
There are a few things you should notify your OB provider about if they happen. I know I mentioned that mild swelling of your feet and ankles is normal in pregnancy, but there are times that swelling can be a cause for concern.
One thing you might be at risk for at 31 weeks, and really any point during pregnancy, is preeclampsia. If your swelling is severe or if it is accompanied by a headache that won’t go away, vision changes, sudden weight gain, stomach, shoulder, or lower back pain, sudden nausea, or shortness of breath or chest pain, it could be something more serious going on and you need to be evaluated.
Other symptoms not to ignore include a decrease or change in fetal movement, any kind of vaginal bleeding, if you think your water might have broken, or an intuition that something might be off.
The last thing we want you to do is sit around your house and worry when you can easily be evaluated and have a peace of mind.
While it’s not common to have an ultrasound done at 31 weeks, there are a few reasons why your provider might schedule one. If you are experiencing any kind of complications or any conditions that make your pregnancy “high risk”, you might have an ultrasound this week. These high-risk conditions include but are not limited to carrying multiples, gestational diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), being over age 35 at the time of delivery, and other medical conditions.
Babies should not move less the bigger they get. If someone tries to tell you this, don’t listen. You might be feeling more consistent movements and a pattern now. Your provider should have already discussed kick counts with you. Kick counting is a free and effective way for mama’s to track the wellbeing of baby while in the womb, pick up on potential problems, and prevent stillbirth.
I have included resources on kick counting below so be sure you check them out. If at any point during pregnancy your baby’s movements feel different, off, or decreased, call your provider, or get evaluated immediately. If you aren’t being heard or taken seriously, put your foot down, advocate, don’t take no for an answer.
You should never feel bad, ashamed, or as if you are wasting anyone’s time if you are concerned about your baby’s movements. If your provider ever makes you feel this way, I recommend you find a new one ASAP.