Baby’s growth and size

Baby is probably somewhere between 6.5 – 7 pounds right now and measuring between 19 – 20 inches.

What’s new developmentally? 

Baby is getting ready for the big debut, which really could be any day now! Between now and baby’s birth day, he or she will just be spending their time putting on a little more weight and just working on those finishing touches. 

Currently, baby’s eyes are blue, gray, or brown, but they might change after birth. They can actually change color up until they turn 1! 

Most of that fine hair (lanugo) that was all over their body has now been shed. The vernix, white cheesy substance that once coated their skin, is also disappearing. You might notice your baby is born with some vernix on them and that’s perfectly normal. 

Vernix actually acts as a really great moisturizer and skin protectant so if you see it on them after delivery consider rubbing it into their skin instead of rubbing it off!

Fun facts about your week 38 baby

  • Baby will continue growing about ½ pound per week until delivery
  • Baby’s vocal cords have developed 
  • Get your clippers ready – baby will probably be born with some pretty long fingernails (and toenails for that matter)

Week 38 pregnancy symptoms 

How should I be feeling at 38 weeks pregnant?

You probably feel very big, very uncomfortable, very tired, and very over being pregnant right now, and I can’t say that I blame you one bit. These next few days and weeks I encourage you to try and take some time for yourself. 

The exhaustion and discomfort might be masking the excitement that’s about to unfold for you very soon. I hope by this point you have: 

  • Taken your birth course (it’s not too late to binge-watch my online course!)
  • Packed your hospital bag
  • Ordered and received your breast pump (Aeroflow makes this SO easy to do through insurance)
  • Installed your car seat
  • Put the finishing touches on baby’s nursery
  • Stocked your freezer with postpartum meals

If there is anything on that list you haven’t gotten to yet – it’s a great way to pass the time, and what’s more, it’s not too late!

Have all your boxes checked? They just try your best to relax (as much as possible) between now and when you deliver your baby. 

38 weeks pregnant symptoms not to ignore

I know I mentioned that mild swelling of your feet and ankles is normal in pregnancy, but there are times that swelling can be a cause for concern. One thing you might be at risk for at 37 weeks, and really any point during pregnancy, is preeclampsia. 

If your swelling is severe or if it is accompanied by a headache that won’t go away, vision changes, sudden weight gain, stomach, shoulder, or lower back pain, sudden nausea, or shortness of breath or chest pain, it could be something more serious and you need to be evaluated. 

Other symptoms not to ignore include: 

  • Decrease or change in fetal movement
  • Any kind of vaginal bleeding
  • Signs your water might have broken
  • Intuition that something might be off

If your provider (or anyone else for that matter) tells you that it’s normal for babies to move less the bigger they get, do not listen! Babies absolutely should not move less the bigger they get.

If you notice a decrease or change in their movement you need to call your OB and/or head to your place of delivery immediately for evaluation!  The last thing we want you to do is sit around your house and worry when you can easily be evaluated and have a peace of mind.

38 weeks pregnant nausea

You might notice some of those first trimester symptoms creeping back in towards the end of pregnancy, with nausea being one of them. 

Nausea can go hand in hand with indigestion and heartburn, both of which are common at the end of pregnancy. Don’t be afraid to pop those Tums. 

Other things that might help are smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day, elevating your head some when you sleep, staying hydrated, and consuming bland foods. Sometimes gastrointestinal symptoms can be a sign that labor is brewing so be on the lookout for other signs of labor.

Other, more common signs of labor include your water breaking, contractions that progressively become closer together and more painful, and low back pain. Nausea alone at 38 weeks isn’t necessarily a reason to head to the hospital or call your OB provider, but it might mean that true labor is on the horizon. 

38 weeks pregnant discharge

It can be so hard to tell what’s normal and what’s not normal when it comes to vaginal discharge in pregnancy. As you near the end of your pregnancy, it’s common for you to experience an increase in vaginal discharge. 

A lot of, but not all, women will lose their mucus plug in the days and weeks leading up to labor. Your mucus plug is basically a thick, sticky, glob of mucus that seals your uterus and protects baby from bacteria and infection. 

Some women lose their mucus plug smaller pieces and others lose it in one big glob. If yours comes out in smaller pieces, it might not be as obvious as if you lose it in a big glob. Either way, this is one of the reasons why you might notice an increase in discharge as you near your due date. 

Your mucus plug might be mixed with a little bit of blood, giving it a hint of brown, pink, or dark red. Should you notice anything that looks like a period – bright red and not mucusy – I highly recommend you notify your OB provider promptly. 

And, if there’s ever any question or doubt in your mind, don’t hesitate to reach out to your provider, that is what they are there for after all.

  • Go on a date with your partner
  • Make sure you have arrangements in place for any other children or pets in the house
  • Stock and organize your postpartum basket
  • Prepare older kids for the new baby 
  • Make sure your hospital bag is packed – I have a free checklist to help you 
  • Do these things to prepare for postpartum if you haven’t already
  • Wear your belly support band – my personal favorite 
  • Treat yourself to a prenatal massage or pedicure this week – you and your mental health deserve it! 
  • Think about whether a postpartum doula is right for you 
  • Learn about true vs. prodromal labor
  • Familiarize yourself with some birth affirmations for labor (you can even write or print them on notecards to take to your place of delivery with you)
  • Do a birth class refresher– I recommend going back through the sections that are specific to labor and birth so that it’s all fresh in your min
  • Start prepping for postpartum