At this point, your baby is teeny tiny, only 0.2 mm or 0.04 inches. Think about that little hole in the tip of a bottle nipple – that’s about how small the baby is right now – wild!
Congratulations mama, your baby is officially considered an embryo now! Your embryo is securely implanted in the lining of your uterus and is developing a yolk sac.
This yolk sac will keep your embryo nourished until your placenta is formed – pretty cool, huh? A normal yolk sac, along with a few other factors, can confirm a healthy early pregnancy.
Even though your baby is tiny, there are still some pretty incredible things going on, developmentally, at this point.
In week 4, your placenta begins forming. It attaches to your uterine wall on one end and the baby’s umbilical cord on the other end.
Your placenta is an amazing organ that provides oxygen and nutrients to your growing baby. It also removes waste products from baby’s blood – seriously, our bodies never cease to amaze!
You can expect your placenta to take over between weeks 8-12. By week 12, your placenta should fully be responsible for hormone production and providing nutrients.
This is normally when *most* women with morning sickness start to experience some relief. You might even notice a little burst of energy too. Learn more in this article!
It’s best to take a pregnancy test on the first day of your missed period for the most reliable results! If you wait until then, pregnancy tests are over 99% accurate.
Read more about different types of pregnancy tests (pink dye vs. blue dye, anyone?) and how they work in this article.
Most women do not have an ultrasound until week 7 or 8 so don’t expect one quite this early. If your provider is recommending an ultrasound, it’s likely to look at the location of your gestational sac and to confirm your pregnancy.
If you do have an ultrasound this early, expect it to be a transvaginal one. This means that your provider will insert a lubricated wand into your vagina to visualize the inside of your uterus and yolk sac.
If your provider is unable to visualize the yolk sac, rest assured that it’s likely because it’s too early to see. There are other reasons this might be the case, but most commonly, it’s just because it’s too early and everything is just so tiny!