Your Pregnancy Week by Week

Find out what’s up with you and baby during each week of pregnancy!

41 Weeks Pregnant

41 Weeks Pregnant

Week 40WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 41 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size Same as last week, baby is around 7-9 pounds and probably about 19-22 inches long. What’s new developmentally?  Until baby’s grand debut, they are just working on plumping up and...

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40 Weeks Pregnant

40 Weeks Pregnant

Week 39Week 41WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 40 Weeks Pregnant Baby’s growth and size Baby is anywhere from 19-22 inches this week and is probably somewhere between 7-9 pounds. In other words - baby is the size of a baby! What’s new developmentally?  Not...

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39 Weeks Pregnant

39 Weeks Pregnant

Week 38Week 40WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 39 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size Baby is most likely somewhere around 20 inches now. Babies come in all shapes and sizes but at 39 weeks, your baby is probably between 7-8 pounds. What’s new...

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38 Weeks Pregnant

38 Weeks Pregnant

Week 37Week 39WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 38 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size Baby is probably somewhere between 6.5 – 7 pounds right now and measuring between 19 – 20 inches. What’s new developmentally?  Baby is getting ready for the big debut, which...

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37 Weeks Pregnant

37 Weeks Pregnant

Week 36Week 38WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 37 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size Baby weighs somewhere between 6.3 and 6.7 pounds this week and measuring right around 19 inches in length. What’s new developmentally?  Baby’s brain, lungs, and nervous...

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36 Weeks Pregnant

36 Weeks Pregnant

Week 35Week 37WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 36 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size Baby is closing in on 6 pounds this week, weighing somewhere between 5.7 pounds and 6 pounds. As far as length goes, baby is just over 18.5 inches long. What’s new...

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35 Weeks Pregnant

35 Weeks Pregnant

Week 34Week 36WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 35 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size Your (not so) little one is a little over 18 inches long this week and bit over 5 pounds. What’s new developmentally?  Baby has been making urine since about 13 weeks, but...

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34 Weeks Pregnant

34 Weeks Pregnant

Week 33Week 35WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 34 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size Baby is measuring somewhere between 17.5 and 18 inches this week. Gaining around half a pound since last week, your baby weighs right around 4.5 lbs (maybe a little more)....

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33 Weeks Pregnant

33 Weeks Pregnant

Week 32Week 34WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 33 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size You can expect your little one to be right around 17 inches this week, possibly even a little bit bigger. Baby weighs a little over 4 pounds this week and has really started...

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32 Weeks Pregnant

32 Weeks Pregnant

Week 31Week 33WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 32 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size Your baby is somewhere between 16-17 inches long and weighs between 3.5-4 pounds. What’s new developmentally?  Baby is spending the next 8 weeks practicing all the skills...

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31 Weeks Pregnant

31 Weeks Pregnant

Week 30 Week 32 WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 31 Weeks Pregnant Baby’s growth and size This week baby is weighing right around 3.3 pounds this week and measuring just over 16 inches, somewhere between 16 inches – 16.4 inches. What’s new developmentally? ...

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30 Weeks Pregnant

30 Weeks Pregnant

Week 29 Week 31 WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 30 Weeks Pregnant Baby’s growth and size Weighing right around 3 pounds this week and measuring about 16 inches in length, packing is really starting to pack in on during these last few weeks. What’s new...

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29 Weeks Pregnant

29 Weeks Pregnant

Week 28Week 30WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 29 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size Baby is measuring right around 15.5 inches long this week, the length of a bowling pin. With just over 10 weeks to go, your baby is weighing in between 2.5 – 3 pounds this...

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28 Weeks Pregnant

28 Weeks Pregnant

Week 27Week 29WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 28 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size Your little one might not be feeling so little to you. Measuring between 14 and 15 inches in length, baby is right around 14.8 inches and somewhere between 2.2 and 2.6...

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27 Weeks Pregnant

27 Weeks Pregnant

Week 26Week 28WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 27 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size Baby should be right around a solid 2 pounds at 27 weeks. Since last week, baby has added about half an inch to their length and is about 14.5 inches now. What’s new...

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26 Weeks Pregnant

26 Weeks Pregnant

Week 25Week 27 WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 26 Weeks Pregnant Baby’s growth and size At 26 weeks baby is around 14 inches in length and anywhere from 1.7 – 2 pounds. What’s new developmentally?  Baby’s eyes begin to open this week! They have been closed for...

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25 Weeks Pregnant

25 Weeks Pregnant

Week 24Week 26WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 25 Weeks Pregnant Baby’s growth and size Your baby has grown a whopping 1.5-2 inches since last week and is now about 13 -13.6 inches in length. At 25 weeks baby is tipping the scales at 1.5 pounds.  What’s new...

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24 Weeks Pregnant

24 Weeks Pregnant

Week 23Week 25WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 24 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size At 24 weeks your baby is somewhere between 11.5 and 11.8 inches long. Just slightly up from last week in weight, baby is right around 1.3 pounds. What’s new developmentally? ...

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23 Weeks Pregnant

23 Weeks Pregnant

Week 22Week 24WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 23 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size Baby is just over a pound this week, probably somewhere between 1 – 1.25 lbs and measures just over 11 inches long. What’s new developmentally?  Your baby will spend the next...

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22 Weeks Pregnant

22 Weeks Pregnant

Week 21Week 23WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 22 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size Baby is roughly one whole pound this week, congratulations mama! Coming in at just over 11 inches, baby’s length didn’t increase too much from last week, but there’s still...

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21 Weeks Pregnant

21 Weeks Pregnant

Week 20Week 22WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 21 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size Baby had a big growth spurt last week to this week, adding about 4 inches to their length. Now about 10.5 inches and weighing 12 ounces, you can expect this growth to...

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20 Weeks Pregnant

20 Weeks Pregnant

Week 19Week 21WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 20 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size This week baby is just over 6 inches and about 10 ounces – packing on those ounces! What’s new developmentally?  Your baby has come a long way in the last 20 weeks but still...

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19 Weeks Pregnant

19 Weeks Pregnant

Week 18Week 20WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 19 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size Baby is a whopping half a foot in length and about half a pound in weight! To put it more simply, your baby is about 6 inches in length and weighs 8 – 8.5 ounces. What’s new...

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18 Weeks Pregnant

18 Weeks Pregnant

Week 17Week 19WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 18 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size Baby is right around 5.5 inches in length, maybe even a tad longer and nearly 7 ounces in weight! Almost 2 whole ounces gained since last week. What’s new developmentally? ...

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17 Weeks Pregnant

17 Weeks Pregnant

Week 16Week 18WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 17 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size Baby has grown almost a whole inch since last week and is between 5 and 5.5 inches long. The weight gain picks up as well. This week, baby is about 5 ounces now! What’s new...

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16 Weeks Pregnant

16 Weeks Pregnant

Week 15Week 17WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 16 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size This week your baby is just over 4.5 inches in length and weighs about 3.5 ounces, put on a whole ounce since last week!  What’s new developmentally?  Baby makes some pretty...

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15 Weeks Pregnant

15 Weeks Pregnant

Week 14Week 16WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 15 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size Baby should be a solid 4 inches now and weigh around 2.5 ounces. The growth is going to continue to pick up over the next several weeks and months. What’s new...

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13 Weeks Pregnant

13 Weeks Pregnant

Week 12 Week 14 WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 13 Weeks Pregnant Baby’s growth and size Baby is about 3 inches, up almost a whole inch from last week! And is getting a whole lot closer to that 1-ounce mark, weighing in somewhere between 0.8–0.9 ounces.  While...

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14 Weeks Pregnant

14 Weeks Pregnant

Week 13Week 15WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 14 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size Baby is kicking off week 14 with a decent growth spurt! Measuring around 3.5-4 inches and weighing 1.5-2 ounces, baby is getting their growth on. What’s new developmentally? ...

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11 Weeks Pregnant

11 Weeks Pregnant

Week 10Week 12WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 11 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size At 11 weeks, your baby is about 1.6 inches in length from crown (head) to rump (bum) and weighs roughly a quarter of an ounce. What’s new developmentally?  At 11 weeks, your...

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10 Weeks Pregnant

10 Weeks Pregnant

Week 9Week 11WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 10 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size Congratulations, your embryo is now a fetus! Your baby is measuring about an inch and a half in length and weighs around .14 ounces.  What’s new developmentally?  Baby’s vital...

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9 Weeks Pregnant

9 Weeks Pregnant

Week 8Week 10WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 9 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size Baby is about 1 inch in length and weighing in around .07 ounces. Don’t let that size fool you though - there are unbelievable things happening with your baby’s development...

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8 Weeks Pregnant

8 Weeks Pregnant

Week 7Week 9WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 8 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size Baby is measuring around 0.63 inches and growing a millimeter each day! What’s new developmentally?  You can’t feel it yet, but baby is moving around in there. It will be closer...

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7 Weeks Pregnant

7 Weeks Pregnant

Week 6Week 8WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 7 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size Your baby has doubled in size from last week and is now roughly 0.5 inches, or the size of a blueberry.  Despite still being so tiny, some pretty amazing things are continuing...

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12 Weeks Pregnant

12 Weeks Pregnant

Week 11 Week 13 WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 12 Weeks Pregnant Baby’s growth and size Your baby is now just over 2 inches in length and tips the scales (well, maybe not tipping them just yet!) at half an ounce (give or take).  What’s new developmentally? ...

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6 Weeks Pregnant

6 Weeks Pregnant

Week 5Week 7WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 6 Weeks Pregnant Baby’s growth and size Baby is doubling in size each week but is still itty bitty at about 0.25 inches. Still resembling a tadpole, baby’s jaw, chin, and cheeks are beginning to take shape, taking...

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5 Weeks Pregnant

5 Weeks Pregnant

Week 4Week 6WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 5 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size Baby now measures about 0.13 inches (up from 0.04 inches last week) – go baby go…or should I say grow baby grow! Your baby is still teeny tiny at week 5 but is growing rapidly....

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4 Weeks Pregnant

4 Weeks Pregnant

Week 5WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BABY? Your Baby at 4 Weeks PregnantBaby’s growth and size At this point, your baby is teeny tiny, only 0.2 mm or 0.04 inches. Think about that little hole in the tip of a bottle nipple – that’s about how small the baby is right now – wild!...

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