Milkology! The Best Online Breastfeeding Class

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Liesel Teen, RN-BSN

By Liesel Teen

BSN, RN, Practicing Labor and Delivery Nurse

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Looking for an online breastfeeding class? Milkology is where it’s at!

I am so excited to write this review on Stacey Stewart’s Milkology Class (The Ultimate Breastfeeding Class). It’s kind of a hot class right now and I’m thrilled to put my two cents in!

As a labor and delivery nurse, I’m super passionate about helping pregnant and new mamas. I’m a HUGE advocate for education, whether that’s for childbirth or caring for your newborn. I know how powerful the right resources and learning can be.

Too many mamas intend to breastfeed their babies but fail to prepare.

  • So if you’re pregnant and want to breastfeed Milkology is for you!
  • If you’re already in the throes of breastfeeding and feel overwhelmed, Milkology is for you, too!

Read on to learn more about this amazing online breastfeeding class.

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Benefits of breastfeeding

I struggled with low supply issues MY ENTIRE breastfeeding journey, and I’ve written a few posts on breastfeeding, including ways to increase your supply and which breast pump worked the best for me!

I am a super advocate of breastfeeding! Breast milk provides your little one with valuable nutrients that formula just can’t.

Breast milk also provides a defensive effect against many common diseases/ailments by providing MOMMY ANTIBODIES. This is something formula, also, cannot do. When you provide your baby breast milk, you are passing down valuable immune properties that help keep baby’s immune system super healthy!

It’s certainly called LIQUID GOLD for a reason.

Fed is best

While I’m totally GUNG-HO for the boob milk, I’m even MORE passionate about the FED IS BEST campaign!

What is ‘FED IS BEST’, you ask? It’s a non-profit group based upon the thought that, quite frankly, your baby is best FED, not breastfed. They believe babies should never go hungry, and mothers should be supported in selecting clinically safe nourishing options for their babies. Whether it be breast milk, formula or a combo of both!

They make it clear that breastfeeding is superior to formula, but also note that if you choose to feed your baby formula FOR WHATEVER REASON, it’s totally okay! Because who wants a hungry baby?

Even though I breastfed my son for 19 months, and I LOVE breastfeeding/breast milk and everything ABOUT breast milk…I…gave…him…formula. *GASP*

In fact, I gave him a LOT of formula.

And, you know what? That’s totally okay in my book! I did what I felt was best for him in my situation, and I’m at peace with it now. I am not going to lie though, I totally struggled with “breastfeeding guilt” for a long time.

But enough about me, and enough about formula!

You’re here because you want to breastfeed, right? And maybe if I’d had this class, I wouldn’t have wound up supplementing…but it’s probably not helpful to play that game!

I found The Ultimate Breastfeeding Class, and I truly think it has EVERYTHING you need to know about breastfeeding. It was written by Stacey Stewart, a Certified Lactation Educator, and mommy of 3. 🙂

Milkology: Breastfeeding education YOU need

In this day in age, it’s so important to be informed, am I right? I’m a nurse, and one of the MAIN parts of my job is educating my patients. And, guys I can tell you 100%, one of the MAIN REASONS women do not breastfeed, or quit breastfeeding, is because of a lack of education.

OKAY HOLD UP. I totally DID NOT call you un-educated if you did not breastfeed or you quit breastfeeding your baby! I know there are SO MANY reasons why you chose to quit, and that’s totally OKAY! I’m just saying, IN MY EXPERIENCE, a lack of education on the front end is a major issue!

Y’all, I’m a freaking labor and delivery nurse! You would think I would be an expert at breastfeeding a baby. Um….no. I had a LOT of common issues and a lot of questions. Quite frankly, what it came down to was just that I had a lack of education!

I learned so much from lactation consultants, reading articles, asking my friends, going to support groups in those first few months.


This course I just took, pretty much just took everything I learned (over the course of months) and jam packed it into a nice little video series.

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Milkology is perfect for pregnant mamas or new breastfeeding mamas

This course is what moms need on the FRONT END. I honestly think Stacey Stewart’s THE ULTIMATE BREASTFEEDING CLASS will help more moms start and continue to breastfeed their babies longer.

I WISH I had come across this before my breastfeeding journey, it may have helped my supply!

BUT WAIT, are you ALREADY breastfeeding a baby (for weeks, or even months)? This course will help you too. I promise.

Again…guys I’m a nurse (and a breastfeeding mama) and I learned a few things!

I also got to see what breast milk looked under a microscope (did you know it dances around because its ALIVE?), and also a few pointers about breastfeeding in public (practice in the mirror BEFORE going out!).

Related Reading: Take a Back-To-Work Pumping Class!

online breastfeeding class

Breastfeeding is hard. Knowledge is power

If you’ve breastfed for one day, one baby, 5 years, or 5 babies, I SWEAR you’ll learn a thing or two from this course. It’s just sooooo informative.

There’s even a handy-dandy little note sheet at the end of the class that summarizes the whole series! Because as everyone knows, cheat-sheets are LIFE.

You also can access it on ANY device because it’s through, not a downloadable file. So that’s pretty cool!

It’s yours to keep FOREVER AND EVER. So, if you want a refresher right before you pop out kiddo numero 2, 3 or 10, just head to the world wide web! ?

What’s the cost?

And FINALLY, the best PRO of them all…the price tag! It’s only $27!

You may be hesitant to spend even a dime on something that is purely educational. But let me break it down for you….as much as we say “breastfeeding is much more cost-effective than formula feeding, because it’s free” that’s not entirely true.

Do you know how much money I spent on supplements to try and increase my supply? Or the ice packs for engorgement, heat packs for let-down, nipple creams, trips to the lactation consultant, different brands of bottles that I didn’t even use. A LOT more than $29. I have a feeling if I had been MORE PREPARED on the front end, I actually would have ended up saving some money.

*There’s also a 30-day money-back guarantee if for any reason you don’t like the course!*

Milkology coupon code

You better believe I got y’all a code for the Milkology Online Breastfeeding Course! Just use MLN10 for 10% off!

Milkology: The cons (because every course has cons)

Alright, time for the Debbie-downer part of the blog post.

Even though I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this course, there are a few cons! Or shall I say, “pointers”.

First off, it’s a video series. I know that’s not really a con, but you do kind of have to pay attention throughout the whole thing! So, if you’ve got other kids running around, make sure you devote some quiet time (I know, that doesn’t really exist) to actually get what you need out of this course.

Second, you may get a tiny bit offended if you’ve given your baby formula. I didn’t personally get offended, but I can see how some mamas may. It’s a bit anti-formula, but…guys…IT’S A COURSE SOLELY DEDICATED TO BREASTFEEDING. I think we can all agree that people aren’t buying this course to hear about formula! But, just thought I’d throw that in there.

(cons complete…see there weren’t really any!)

You can succeed at breastfeeding with a little prep and education

I love this course. The mamas over in the Mommy Labor Nurse Instagram community love this course. And I know you’re gonna love it, too.

Happy milk-making!!

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Liesel Teen, RN-BSN

Liesel Teen

BSN, RN, Practicing Labor and Delivery Nurse

As a labor and delivery nurse, I’ve spent countless hours with women who felt anxious — even fearful — about giving birth. I want you to know it doesn’t have to be that way for you!

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