Planning Your Babymoon

Last Updated:
Liesel Teen, RN-BSN

By Liesel Teen

BSN, RN, Practicing Labor and Delivery Nurse

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Did you know that an estimated 60% of expecting couples take a babymoon before the birth of their first child? It’s true! And while it’s most common among first-time parents – veteran parents can (and do!) take a babymoon before their next baby’s birth as well.

As you already know, pregnancy is a time filled with joy and endless love. However, for a lot of mamas, it’s not exactly relaxing. While your body is busy growing a tiny human, there’s no doubt you are carefully preparing everything for their arrival, connecting with family, and organizing your home.

On top of all of that human growing and nesting, you have to keep up with the demands of your everyday life, work, and other responsibilities.

A joyful time in life for sure, but today I want to encourage you to find time to relax, connect with your partner, and be present with your unborn baby.

Let’s talk babymoons.

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What is a babymoon?

In short, a babymoon is a play on the word honeymoon. It is simply a trip you take with your partner before baby arrives.

A babymoon can be taken at any point during pregnancy and can look different for different couples. The idea is that you and your partner take some time to get away from the stresses of life and preparing for baby.

You can enjoy a child-free, adult vacation, and spend time being present with each other before birth. Traveling once your baby arrives is a lot different (think: car seats, diapers, pack n’ plays, and more!), so taking a moment to soak up this time can be really special.

3 Reasons to plan a babymoon before birth

1. Connect with your partner

One of the most important things you can do before your baby comes is make sure your relationship is well-prepared for baby.

Parenting is a team sport after all, so communication and respect are going to be more important than ever. A babymoon offers such a perfect opportunity to really connect and work on this.

You can read more about how to prepare your relationship for baby in my article about preparing for postpartum.

2. De-stress and relax

Planning and preparing for your baby’s arrival is a lot of work! From setting up the nursery, to making sure your home is totally ready for bringing baby home, on top of everyday responsibilities, it is a busy time.

Taking the time to get away from your own house will help you recharge, not feel pressured to always be preparing, and to get some much-needed sleep and downtime. Because travel is going to change. A lot.

If you are a first-time mom, I highly recommend taking a babymoon simply because you can! Traveling with a baby, then toddler, and kids, is completely different. Rewarding in its own way of course, but relaxing? Hardly.

If you aren’t a first-time mom, I still recommend doing this. If you are fortunate enough to have a trusted loved one who can take care of your other kids for even one night, it will be so rejuvenating to be away, as an adult, with just your partner.

Related Reading: 12 Helpful Ways to Relax During Pregnancy

3. A time to reflect

With the busy-ness of life responsibilities and seemingly endless to-do list before baby arrives, it can be hard to find time to really focus on this amazing thing your body is doing.

Getting away for even a short time is a great chance to reflect on how you are feeling about birth, how you can prepare for birth, and what your thoughts are on this coming change in identity to mother.

When to go on a babymoon?

There’s really no right or wrong answer to this question, but you should be strategic about it. Late in your second trimester is a wonderful time for a babymoon because it’s usually the time with the least uncomfortable symptoms and the most energy.

The third trimester can also be a good time to go if you are planning a very relaxing babymoon. Just don’t plan it too close to your due date and keep in mind any travel limitations that might come up.

The short answer? The turning point from the second to the third trimester is the sweet spot for a lot of mamas.

Related Reading: Pregnancy Travel Tips: How to Make Travel Safe and Fun During Pregnancy

Babymoon ideas

When it comes to planning your babymoon, I think it’s helpful to first decide on the ‘feel’ you want your babymoon to have.

In other words, are you looking for an adventure? Do you want to experience a lot of new food and culture? Are you thinking of incorporating nature and outdoor experiences, or maybe you just want to lay on a beach and be waited on?

It’s totally up to you!

Let’s take a look at some babymoon ideas by theme to help spark an idea for your babymoon!

1. Nature and adventure babymoon ideas

If you are the active, adventurous type, plan a babymoon in your second trimester when you are feeling good.

As long as you were also active before you were pregnant and your provider has no concerns, there’s no reason you can’t enjoy some hiking and adventuring while pregnant.

Consider paddle boarding, hiking, yoga, and destinations with beautiful jogging trails for you and your partner to enjoy.

2. Romantic babymoon ideas

Like I mentioned above, a babymoon is the perfect opportunity to really connect with your partner. Are you looking to up the romance factor?

Choose a luxurious hotel with a well-reviewed spa that does prenatal massages. Usually, you can do a couples massage while you’re pregnant if you just make special arrangements ahead of time.

You’ll also want to check the proximity to nice restaurants, or choose a hotel or resort that has good eating options.

3. Culture and food-filled babymoon ideas

Once you have kids, going out to eat and exploring shops and museums is going to look a little different. If you’re looking for culture and good food, consider spending your babymoon in a never-visited city or country.

Get a hotel or Airbnb in a trendy part of your destination where you’ll be able to easily get to awesome restaurants, parks, and museums. Enjoy leisurely exploring a new place – just be sure to pack comfy shoes!

4. Total relaxation babymoon ideas

Maybe you want to have a babymoon where you literally don’t have to lift a finger. And I definitely don’t blame you!

For this, I recommend a resort where everything is taken care of and you don’t have to leave the grounds. Relaxation awaits!

5. Bucket-list destination

What better chance to go to your dream destination than for your babymoon? Have somewhere you’re dying to go?

Let that be the inspiration for your babymoon and plan from there!

Baby Registry Guide

Choosing a babymoon destination

Once you’ve decided on the ‘feel’ you’re looking for on your trip, you’re ready to choose your babymoon destination!

Here are some more considerations to help you decide:

  • Budget and distance: I want you to think about your budget and how far you want to travel. Are you looking for something within driving distance or is a plane ride something you are open to? How much time can you take off work and where were you envisioning your trip to be?
  • Pregnancy safe: As you continue planning, make sure you choose a destination that is safe for travel during pregnancy. You can find up-to-date info from the CDC here, and always check with your provider first before booking a trip just to be sure!
  • Look into resorts and destinations with babymoon packages: One way to take all the guesswork out of planning the ultimate babymoon is to choose a destination that offers babymoon packages. More and more places are starting to offer these, and you definitely aren’t limited to giant resorts, even smaller bed-and-breakfast-type places offer special packages for expecting couples

Babymoon activities

Of course, choosing what activities to do on your babymoon will depend on the feel you are looking for and the destination you choose.

No matter what you decide on, plan for lots of one-on-one time with your partner. Try to use your babymoon as a chance to disconnect from the stresses of life and technology. Being present will change forever once baby comes.

Some activities that will work in a variety of destinations:

  • Walking in nature: No matter what destination you decide on, you can undoubtedly find a great spot for a walk. Walking can be a time when couples have their most connective and meaningful conversations. Somehow the rhythm of walking and not having to make eye contact takes the pressure off and allows couples to really open up
  • Romantic dinner: Even on a budget, I recommend finding a nice restaurant for at least one night of your babymoon. Go somewhere you would never imagine bringing your kids. Indulge in a slow and drawn-out meal
  • Prenatal yoga class: Often, you can find prenatal yoga classes at any studio, in any city. Consider taking one on your babymoon and having your partner come along. I have found supportive partners to always be welcome
  • Local craft or other fair: See what local events are going on in the destination you choose. Take it at your own pace and enjoy what the locals have to offer
  • See a live performance: Get tickets to a show or concert and plan your babymoon around that
  • Couples massage: If you can find a spa that does prenatal massages, you can most definitely arrange a couples massage that includes a prenatal massage for you. Just be sure to schedule this ahead of time
  • Book a photoshoot: What better place for a maternity photoshoot than your babymoon destination!

Related Reading: Fun Things to do During Pregnancy

Babymoon ideas on a budget

Being pregnant definitely makes you more aware of spending and saving. In fact, it’s a great time to start budgeting if you haven’t.

All of that is to say, I know that splurging on a fancy babymoon might not be in the cards. But that doesn’t mean you can’t plan a special time to connect with your partner!

Budget babymoon tips:

  • Local babymoon: No reason to travel by airplane if you don’t want to. Find a cute town within an hour of your home and book an Airbnb or hotel there. You’ll enjoy a shorter travel time and save money on gas. Just being away from your own home, even for a night or two will feel so refreshing
  • Babymoon staycation: I’m a big fan of the staycation. Being a tourist in your own area is a ton of fun! Schedule time off work, and say no to big projects and stresses. Prep for your staycation by having the house clean and organized. Pre-prep food or take the money you saved by staying home and spend it on takeout or eating out to avoid having to clean. Plan some fun activities or places to check out in your area. Have some special date nights in your own hometown. Most of all, bond with each other and get excited about baby!
  • Clip coupons: Utilize sites like Groupon and Living Social for booking your hotel, choosing restaurants, spa packages, and more
  • Plan ahead or don’t: Planning your babymoon early in your pregnancy can help you score better deals. You can also book at the very last minute – while risking unavailability, this is also when deals show up
  • Book during unpopular times: Traveling during off-peak seasons or mid-week can save you a lot of money
  • Skip eating out: If you book an Airbnb, plan to cook during your trip. This will save room in your budget for activities and spa visits. You can still make eating make an exciting event by planning fun dinner recipes and cooking together each night
  • Choose a hotel that includes breakfast: This is another way to save some money on your eating expenses

Ready to start planning your babymoon?

No matter your timeframe or budget, you can make a babymoon work for you and your partner. Enjoy some time together before baby arrives, connect, and take a break from the stresses of life.

You deserve it!

Baby Registry Guide
Liesel Teen, RN-BSN

Liesel Teen

BSN, RN, Practicing Labor and Delivery Nurse

As a labor and delivery nurse, I’ve spent countless hours with women who felt anxious — even fearful — about giving birth. I want you to know it doesn’t have to be that way for you!

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