Birth It Up: The natural Series

Class Checkout

Gain the knowledge you need for a positive birth experience – on your schedule, at your pace.

  • 10+ hours of video content covering the final weeks, birth, postpartum, and more
  • Exclusive printables to support your education
  • 5 Bonus lessons to enhance your learning
  • Private Facebook community for support
  • Unlimited, lifetime access
  • 30-day, money-back guarantee

Birth It Up: The Natural Series will help you achieve the birth you desire and understand exactly what to expect the moment your labor begins.


I had my first baby on January 18 and took the natural series to prep. I had the BEST birth and it all happened so quickly! Thankfully I had been practicing breathing techniques from the course while holding ice cubes. Horse breathing was my go-to! I was barely nervous because I felt so prepared for whatever might happen thanks to the thorough info in your course. Thanks so much!



I took your Natural Birthing Class and it was so helpful! I labored at home for 7 hours before heading to the birth center, where I had a completely medication free birth. It was intense and magical, and I’m so happy I got the birth experience I envisioned because of all the preparation I did. Thank you 💕



I had my baby on Friday night and your course made me so prepared. The doctors and nurses kept saying that I had clearly done my research about choosing not to have an epidural and preparing myself. I definitely have your natural course to thank for that! THANK YOU!
