Can You Go to a Concert Pregnant? And More About Noise Exposure in Pregnancy!

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Liesel Teen, RN-BSN

By Liesel Teen

BSN, RN, Practicing Labor and Delivery Nurse

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Can you go to a concert pregnant? Maybe it’s something that has crossed your mind and maybe it isn’t! But for my music loving, concert-going mamas-to-be, this article is for you! 

Follow along as I unpack concerts and general noise exposure in pregnancy. I promise, this article will be jam (see what I did there) packed with everything you ever wanted to know about noise exposure in pregnancy, and more!

Let’s get into it!

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Can you go to a concert pregnant?

The simple answer is, yes, you can go to a concert while pregnant. However, there are some things to take into consideration before you do! 

Continue reading along for more on recommended noise level during pregnancy, risks of loud noises for pregnant women, and exactly what a fetus can hear in utero.

When can a fetus hear?

As with most of the body systems and parts, fetal development of the ears and hearing occurs at various stages throughout pregnancy. Have you heard how important it can be to talk, sing, and read to your baby while they are still in your belly?

It’s true! Babies are able to recognize voices that they frequently heard while in the womb. So chat it up, mama! 

According to The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), a fetus’s hearing begins to develop by 13-16 weeks of pregnancy. But it will be another few weeks (around week 18) before the fetus can start to hear sounds.

Healthline tells us that around week 24 of pregnancy, baby becomes more sensitive to sound. And by weeks 25-26, baby can actually respond to noises and voices in the womb – how cool is that?!

Risks of loud noises for pregnant women

As we just learned above, sound can travel through your body and reach your baby. And while this typically isn’t anything to be concerned with, it can be problematic if the noise is too loud.

A direct impact of loud noise on your developing baby can be damaging to your baby’s hearing. Of course protecting your hearing, in the way of noise canceling headphones or ear plugs, won’t do anything to protect your little one’s ears.

In addition, super loud noises can indirectly increase your stress level if you are exposed for a long period of time. Pregnancy is inherently a bit stressful, but extreme levels or chronic stress has the potential to have some negative outcomes for both you and your baby.

According to The March of Dimes, “during pregnancy, stress can increase the chances of having a baby who is preterm or a low-birthweight baby.” 

Don’t read this and panic! Remember what I said earlier – some degree of stress is normal and expected during pregnancy and should not impact your baby.

Related Reading: 12 Helpful Ways to Relax During Pregnancy

Baby Registry Guide

What is the recommended level of noise during pregnancy?

According to the CDC, “some experts think that pregnant women should not be routinely around noise louder than 115 dBA.” Examples of things that are roughly 115 dBA include sandblasting, rock concerts, and chainsaws. 

And just for a reference point (and because I found it kinda cool!), a motorcycle is an example of a noise that is 100 dBA and a jack hammer is 130 dBA.

The bottomline on loud noises during pregnancy?

Have I thoroughly confused you?? Earlier I said yes, concerts are fine to attend while pregnant, but just now I said you shouldn’t be exposed to anything louder than a chainsaw during pregnancy. So which is it?

My advice is this, I would probably steer clear of being front row at a heavy metal rock concert on a weekly basis during pregnancy. Heck, maybe just steer clear of the heavy metal rock concerts all together during pregnancy. But an occasional concert, with more gentle music, should be fine to attend.

And if the thought of a concert potentially damaging your baby’s hearing freaks you out, then just skip them all together. The concert lover that’s inside of you can resume attendance once baby is on the outside!

As with most topics I discuss, it’s always a good idea to run it by your specific OB provider first, just to be on the safe side!

Looking for some more pregnancy resources? See if any of these tickle your fancy!

Baby Registry Guide
Liesel Teen, RN-BSN

Liesel Teen

BSN, RN, Practicing Labor and Delivery Nurse

As a labor and delivery nurse, I’ve spent countless hours with women who felt anxious — even fearful — about giving birth. I want you to know it doesn’t have to be that way for you!

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