“Am I Pregnant” Quiz for You

Last Updated:
Liesel Teen, RN-BSN

By Liesel Teen

BSN, RN, Practicing Labor and Delivery Nurse

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Have you found yourself wondering, “am I pregnant?” If yes, or if you anticipate asking yourself this question in the future, then this quiz is for you!

My team and I put this quiz together so you can familiarize yourself with some of the more common signs and symptoms of pregnancy.

As with all of my information, this quiz is not meant to take the place of medical advice. While I am a medical professional, I am not your medical professional so be sure to consult your medical provider if you think you are pregnant.

Now that we got that out of the way, let’s get rolling with the “Am I Pregnant” quiz!

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1. Have you missed your period?

a) Yes, I’ve missed a period

b) No, my period is on schedule

c) My period is lighter or shorter than usual

2. Have you noticed any changes in your breasts, such as tenderness, swelling, or darkening of the nipples?

a) Yes, I’ve noticed changes in my breasts

b) No, my breasts feel normal

c) I’m not sure

3. Do you feel unusually tired or fatigued, even after getting enough rest?

a) Yes, I feel more tired than usual

b) No, I have normal energy levels

c) I’m not sure

4. Have you experienced nausea, especially in the morning, or vomiting?

a) Yes, I’ve experienced nausea or vomiting

b) No, I haven’t felt nauseous

c) Occasionally, but not consistently

5. Have you noticed any changes in your appetite, such as cravings or aversions to certain foods?

a) Yes, my appetite has changed

b) No, my appetite is normal

c) I’m not sure

First Trimester Prep Pack

6. Do you find yourself urinating more frequently than usual?

a) Yes, I’m urinating more often

b) No, my urination frequency is normal

c) I haven’t noticed any changes

7. Have you experienced mood swings, feeling more emotional or irritable than usual?

a) Yes, my moods have been fluctuating

b) No, my mood is stable

c) I’m not sure

8. Have you noticed that certain smells bother you more than usual?

a) Yes, my sense of smell seems heightened

b) No, my sense of smell is unchanged

c) I’m not sure

9. Have you experienced mild abdominal cramping or light spotting?

a) Yes, I’ve had cramping or spotting

b) No, I haven’t experienced these symptoms

c) Occasionally, but not consistently

10. Based on your overall feelings and experiences, do you believe you might be pregnant?

a) Yes, I believe I might be pregnant

b) No, I don’t think I’m pregnant

c) I’m not sure


Count the number of “a” answers:

  • 0-3: It’s less likely that you’re pregnant, but if you’re concerned, consult with a healthcare professional
  • 4-7: There’s a possibility you could be pregnant. Consider taking a home pregnancy test or consulting with a healthcare provider for further evaluation
  • 8-10: Your symptoms suggest a higher likelihood of pregnancy. It’s advisable to take a home pregnancy test or see a healthcare professional for confirmation and guidance

Wrapping up

Thank you for completing the “Am I Pregnant? quiz. Remember, this quiz is not a definitive diagnosis and I am not your medical provider.

If you suspect you may be pregnant or are experiencing any concerning symptoms, seek medical advice promptly for appropriate care and guidance!

If you are looking for more early pregnancy content, Mommy Labor Nurse has you covered! From conception to postpartum, MLN has tons of resources for your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum journey!

First Trimester Prep Pack
Liesel Teen, RN-BSN

Liesel Teen

BSN, RN, Practicing Labor and Delivery Nurse

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