The Miles Circuit: My Success with These Stretches to Induce Labor

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Liesel Teen, RN-BSN

By Liesel Teen

BSN, RN, Practicing Labor and Delivery Nurse

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Hey Mama! Wondering if the Miles Circuit could help get your labor going or shift your baby into a better position for birth? I’m so glad you’re here

During my second pregnancy, I was very mindful about getting baby into the optimal position for labor and using natural methods to start labor

As an L&D nurse, and over in the Mommy Labor Nurse community, I hear a lot about different methods, techniques and stretches to induce labor and position baby for birth

The Miles Circuit really grabbed my attention, and once I started learning more about this series of positions and stretches to induce labor, I was excited to try it out

YOU GUYS – it worked! After completing the Miles Circuit, along with a few other natural labor induction methods, my body went into spontaneous labor

Today, I want to share a little more about this awesome technique. I’m a big advocate for the Miles Circuit and want to spread the word about this amazing series, created by experienced doulas Sharon Muza and Megan Miles.

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What is the Miles Circuit?

The Miles Circuit is a three step sequence that is designed to get baby into the optimal position for birth. When completed in its full capacity, the Miles Circuit takes about 90 minutes.

It utilizes positions of relaxation and movement to encourage baby into the Left Occiput Anterior position (more on this below).

The Miles Circuit has multiple uses. I used it right at my due date to help put myself into spontaneous labor, but there are more applications than that!

How it can help you during your pregnancy and birth

  • You can begin the Miles Circuit during week 37 of pregnancy to encourage a malpositioned baby into a better position for birth
  • You can use the circuit in the days leading up to or after your due date. Encouraging baby to engage can help signal to your body to start labor
  • Use the circuit during early labor to help baby into that optimal position. It’s also a restful yet productive way to spend your early labor if sleep isn’t possible
  • Try the circuit DURING labor, especially if you’re having back labor
  • Get a stalled labor going again naturally with the use of the Miles Circuit

Can the Miles Circuit start labor?

The short answer is that there is no definitive research that the Miles Circuit can start labor. However, anecdotally, many mamas swear the Miles Circuit played an important role in the start of their labor. I used it before my second birth along with some other strategies and am a total believer!

The sequence of positions in the Miles Circuit aims to relax the birthing mama and open the pelvis. This makes room for baby to rotate and shift their position optimally for birth. Many believe that baby getting into the preferred position for birth may allow our bodies to start labor spontaneously.

When there is more space in your pelvis baby can turn and move down onto your cervix. This (hopefully) can signal to your body that it’s time to start contractions!

The first two steps focus on holding poses for a long time and relaxing

Many also believe that our bodies may start labor spontaneously when we are calmer and more relaxed. Doulas talk about helping their clients let go of fear once they reach their due dates so that their bodies can naturally do their thing.

The third step incorporates upright movement

The third step of the Miles Circuit involves stair lunges and curb walking (a Mommy Labor Nurse favorite!). This particular step causes your body weight to shift with each uneven step you take. As you move, your body weight and baby move from side to side. This can help create a little more space in your pelvis which makes room for baby to turn slightly and move down onto your cervix!

When should I start using the Miles Circuit during pregnancy?

According to the creators of the Miles Circuit, it’s best to begin the series when you are 37 weeks pregnant. They recommend doing each step for 5-10 minutes and slowly working up your endurance to the full 30 minutes for each step.

By beginning the Miles Circuit three weeks before your due date, you will have plenty of time to practice and build up stamina for each step in the series. This can help the Miles Circuit’s effectiveness when you do reach your due date, or for use during labor.

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What about baby’s position at birth?

So we hear a lot about baby’s position at birth, but some mamas don’t know what all the buzz is about. Baby’s position during birth matters because when baby is positioned optimally you have a higher likelihood of spontaneous labor, and less instances of intervention (from forceps delivery, to C sections, and even epidural use).

To have a vaginal birth, most providers require baby to be positioned head down. And even more ideal, is head down and looking at your back. These are the Occiput Anterior positions. In the head down position there are actually four ways your baby can be positioned (source):

  • Left Occiput Anterior: head down, facing towards the back, head tilted slightly so the back of the head is towards mama’s left thigh
  • Right Occiput Anterior: head down, facing toward the back, head tilted slightly so the back of the head is towards mama’s right thigh
  • Left Occiput Posterior: head down, facing out, head tilted slightly and looking at mama’s right thigh
  • Right Occiput Posterior: head down, facing back, head tilted slightly and looking at mama’s left thigh

Remember, OA positions are more ideal than OP positions (aka Sunnyside up). Occiput Posterior positions can be associated with back labor, higher rates of intervention and more difficult vaginal births.

In my birth course, you’ll learn more details about baby’s position, your pelvis, prepping your body and the importance of spontaneous labor (especially if you’re trying to go natural!).

Read more about occiput posterior positioning if you think baby might be positioned that way.

Can it help turn a breech baby?

It’s possible that the Miles Circuit could turn a breech baby, and there are certainly anecdotal reports of this. However, more often the Miles Circuit is used to get baby to engage, or move further down onto the cervix. The Miles Circuit is also more commonly used to rotate a baby from OP to OA in the weeks leading up to birth and even during the early stages of labor.

If you are trying to turn a breech baby, I highly recommend using Spinning Babies as your guide! In addition to the Miles Circuit, you can do the Spinning Babies Forward leaning inversion technique starting at 20 weeks to encourage optimal positioning.

Other techniques and stretches to induce labor

Well mama, if you’ve found your way here, I’m guessing your due date is right around the corner (or maybe even past!). I’m so glad you’re learning more about the Miles Circuit! It’s a wonderful and relaxing series of positions you should definitely incorporate into your at-home labor induction repertoire.

Along with the Miles Circuit, I utilized reflexology and had my membranes stripped. The combination of those things, along with it just being my body’s time, put me into labor!

With my first, I used a different series of natural labor induction strategies, and you can read more about that to see what might work for you

Good luck, mama! And happy birthing!!

The Miles Circuit website – Head over there for more information, testimonials, and a FREE PDF guide to completing the circuit, it’s where I learned exactly what to do!

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Liesel Teen, RN-BSN

Liesel Teen

BSN, RN, Practicing Labor and Delivery Nurse

As a labor and delivery nurse, I’ve spent countless hours with women who felt anxious — even fearful — about giving birth. I want you to know it doesn’t have to be that way for you!

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